Residues of factories should not be thrown into rivers as these reach the sea and wipe out the animals and their natural habitat.

martes, 9 de marzo de 2010

lunes, 8 de marzo de 2010

THE PRESTIGE, oil spill.

The Prestige was an oil tanker whose sinking in 2002 off the Galician coast caused a large oil spill. The spill polluted thousands of kilometers of coastline and more than one thousand beaches on the Spanish and French coast, as well as causing great damage to the local fishing industry. The spill is the largest environmental disaster in Spain's history.

It seems like yesterday, but it's been five years since the sinking of the Prestige. On 13 November 2002 the Prestige suffer damage that would make oil sea and suddenly we saw the hidden side of development, the true face of politicians and the friendly face of the many volunteers.

Today little has changed. Anything remains unclear, the defendants have not been tried. To Nunca Mais website is down.

We have not learned anything or done anything about it. Worst of all is that we know not the last.

http://www.reixa.net/5-anos-de-prestige/ thus criticizes the work being done by governments to prevent disasters like this.

Here I leave images of catastrophe if you are not able to imagine:


Damage to marine life
When the fuel falls into the sea, it forms a black spot that prevents sunlight penetration and photosynthesis takes place.
Plankton is the population that is affected in a more direct way.
The fish die, mainly by getting sick.
The oil-soaked birds are killed by freezing, because its feathers stained and not allow the thermal insulation or waterproofing of your body.
Damage to land
When the oil spill reaches the beaches the oil is introduced between the grains of sand and penetrates the soil.
The oil prevents the growth of new plants and animals.
Economic damages
The costs of cleaning beaches and seas vary depending [size of] the disaster.
In the coastal towns and villages fishing plays an important role in the economy there, if contaminated sea fishermen lose their jobs and the local economy suffers.

sábado, 6 de marzo de 2010

water pollutiiiooon! :S

Water pollution makes that the paradise dies, but we care more about people!